Wasp Nest Removal Tameside

Wasp Nest Removal Tameside

Wasp Nests are starting to appear around the borough of Tameside – Greater Manchester. Pest Control Tameside – C2C can provide a discreet removal service with a fixed price of £50.00, usually within the same day, with most treatments able to be done from the outside, with confinement being achieved within 48hrs or a revisit will be carried out free of charge. Use the booking […]

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Birds under Solar Panels

Birds under Solar Panels

Solar panels are being installed all over the country, but due to their ability to provide a perfect nesting site for feral pigeons, they are bringing problems to households in the North West and Greater Manchester with birds building their nests under the panels creating noise as well as fouling the area, and the solar panel surface with their droppings. Solar panel bird proofing can provide the following […]

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Professional Bird Control Service.

Professional Bird Control Service.

C2C Pest Control provides bird control services to Local Authorities, Private Sector Industries and homeowners. Annual contracts are available for restaurants, factories, warehouses and office premises. We can also provide annual contracts (not limited too), for Schools, Children’s Nurseries, NHS Trusts and Care Homes. For homeowners, visits whenever possible can take place on evenings and weekends, reducing the need to take time off work. We […]

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Bird Proofing in Warrington.

Bird Proofing in Warrington.

Tenant in Warrington was getting problems with pigeons using the top of her bungalow as a daytime roosting site, C2C attended and used a non lethal means of disrupting the landing patterns. Click here to find out about the service: https://www.c2cpestcontrol.co.uk/services/birds-and-pigeons/

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