Safety Policy
We are committed to creating an incident-free workplace. It’s our policy to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment and recognising that health and safety is of utmost importance during pest control operations. Our operations can involve the use of firearms, mechanical devices, a range of chemicals and other equipment, in many different challenging environments.
It’s our policy to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Our aim is to keep occupational accidents and illnesses to a minimum, and ultimately create an incident-free workplace.
To do this, we provide employees with all the right equipment, information, training and supervision they need to keep safety a priority. We also ensure the right finances and resources are available to keep us compliant with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation.
As well as our permanent staff, we have a duty of care to customers – including contractors, temporary workers and members of the public who may be affected by our activities.
Health and safety at work is everyone’s responsibility. All staff should take reasonable care of their own and other people’s welfare, keep the workplace free of hazards, and report any situation that may be a safety risk.
To maintain an effective health and safety programme, it’s important to keep communicating at all levels. If an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task, or feels something may be dangerous, they must report this to their line manager or the person responsible for health and safety.
All injuries, however small, sustained at work must be reported and recorded in our Accident Record facility as this is crucial to monitoring and updating our policy effectively; all recordings must be accurate and thorough.
We will continually review our health and safety policy, especially when we change the size or nature of our operations. At the very least it will be updated every 12 months.
Our commitment to health and safety is paramount, and anyone deliberately disregarding the policy could face disciplinary action.
The operator is inevitably responsible for introducing something new to a situation, so at C2C a comprehensive Risk Assessments and Method Statement (with relevant COSHH sheets), will be submitted to our customers prior to any work commencing. We ensure all due diligence has been exercised, and all documents will be read by the relevant operator/s, to make sure full competence is maintained at all times whilst on site.
In cases if indefinite maintenance, a report book will be left permanently on site with a responsible person, holding copies of all routine and additional call outs made to a specific site. All relevant telephone numbers are also listed in case of any accident or emergency.
At all times when poisons or insecticides are in transit, all vehicles will carry a substance in transit document, that identifies what is being carried, the name of the active components and relevant antidote or neutralising agent information.